Boy wearing custom White Red baseball jersey to attend church gathering

Firstly, let's analyze the key elements in this problem: boys, customized White Red baseball jerseys, and church gatherings.
Boy: As the main character, the boy has a specific clothing choice in this scene, which is a customized White Red baseball jersey.

Customized White Red baseball jerseys: These jerseys are often associated with the sport of baseball, featuring distinct colors and designs that often represent the identity of a certain team or individual. It is not everyday clothing, but rather attire for specific occasions or events.
Church assembly: Church assembly is usually a solemn and sacred occasion, where participants often dress appropriately and formally to express respect and reverence for the occasion. In such an environment, dressing often follows certain etiquette and norms.

Next, we will combine these elements for inference:
The boy chose to wear a customized White Red baseball jersey to attend the church gathering, which clearly does not conform to the traditional dress etiquette of church gatherings.
As a solemn occasion, church gatherings are more suitable for wearing formal and appropriate clothing, while baseball jerseys appear too casual and personalized.

Wearing clothes that do not fit the occasion may be seen as disrespectful or inappropriate, especially in religious and cultural venues such as churches.
In summary, although boys have the right to choose their own attire, wearing custom White Red baseball jerseys in solemn occasions such as church gatherings may not be appropriate. Such dressing choices may attract the attention or discomfort of others, and may even be seen as disrespectful to the occasion. Therefore, it is recommended that boys choose clothing that better meets the requirements of the occasion when attending church gatherings.